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Property Information(MLS# 16-990)

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Status: Active
24704 182nd Street, Spirit Lake, IA 51360





Listed by : EXIT REALTY MIDWEST, GEORGE CARLSON (712.336.3405)


Status: Active
645 Okoboji Rd, Arnolds Park, IA 51331





Listed by : HOIEN REALTY, MARILYN VOS (712.336.2790)


Status: Active
333 Hwy 71 #3B, Arnolds Park, IA 51331





Listed by : JENSEN REAL ESTATE, MICHAEL JENSEN (712.332.8081)
Built in 2023


Status: Active
333 Hwy 71 #2B, Arnolds Park, IA 51331





Listed by : JENSEN REAL ESTATE, MICHAEL JENSEN (712.332.8081)
Built in 2023


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Boulders Inn

Boulders Inn and Suites promises to make your Okoboji vacation comfortable and relaxing. This new hotel just south of Emerald Hills golf course between Milford and Arnolds Park offers 40 rooms with suites to meet your individual needs. One of the best things about Boulders Inn is that it is within walking distance of the Taco House. For some of you, I know that can be a big deal!

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