805 Lakeshore Drive, Lakeside, IA 50588

Homes for Sale in Lakeside, IA 50588 | MLS #230803


  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 8219
  • Active
Price Decreased

General Description

Build Your Dream Home across the Lake with a Lake View for Year-Round Beauty. Enjoy Boating, Fishing, Kayaking, Swimming AND ALL that living near the Lake has to offer!

Legal: 05-00 LAKESIDE CORP LAKESHORE BAY 1ST ADD LOT 1 OF LOT C IN GOV LOT 3 PT NE 14-90-37 (exact legal to be taken from abstract)
Status: Active

Property Information






805 Lakeshore Drive










Hometown Realty, Kelly Bierl (712.260.5711)



Aaron Jones - RE/MAX Hall of Fame & Lifetime Achievement

Aaron Jones

RE/MAX Hall of Fame & Lifetime Achievement

Leah Hilpipre - Broker Associate, RENE, ABR, SRS

Leah Hilpipre

Broker Associate, RENE, ABR, SRS

Will Kretsinger - REALTOR

Will Kretsinger


Ask About this Property #230803



"Turn-Over" Thermocline

Referred to locally as the lake turning over the thermocline is a feature of lakes with deep water. The water on the top of the lake changes temperature much more variably during the year. On West Lake, it can reach as much as 75 degrees in July while the water below, greater than 35 or 40 feet deep is relatively stable around 45 degrees. In the fall and early winter, the top strata of the lake will cool to below 45 degrees, and then because it becomes denser, it will "sink" below the lower strata, thus, displacing it and making the lake "turn-over". In the deepest part of West Lake (near the 136ft mark), no light is availble, and hence little life is known whether fish or plant. Typically questions are raised as to why the surface water gets dirty for a short period of time in the fall, this this is the standard answer.

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in West Lake Okoboji

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Haywards Bay

Haywards Bay in West Lake Okoboji

Haywards Bay on West Lake Okoboji boasts low approaches and one of the few areas on West Lake to offer sand beaches. Renowned for the "bay of the flags", you will know you are in Haywards bay because of the all the American flags on the end of the docks. Fishing is great in Haywards Bay and the sunsets are one in a million. To get to Haywards Bay by car, one would drive the east side of the lake on Lakeshore Dr.

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in West Lake Okoboji