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Property Information(MLS# 16-154)

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Status: Active
00 P Avenue, Milford, IA 51351





Listed by : JENSEN REAL ESTATE, MICHAEL JENSEN (712.332.8081)


Status: Active
3006 Chaplin Drive, Milford, IA 51351





Built in 2022


Status: Active
3110 Chaplin Drive, Milford, IA 51351





Listed by : RE/MAX LAKES REALTY, HOLLI HANSEN (507.220.4487)
Price Decreased


Status: Active
1806 Okoboji Avenue, Milford, IA 51351





Listed by : JENSEN REAL ESTATE, MICHAEL JENSEN (712.332.8081)


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Miller's Bay

Miller's Bay in West Lake Okoboji

Miller's Bay, on the west side of West Lake is a popular spot for boaters in the summer to just go chill out, throw an anchor, and relax. On the weekends, this bay is filled with boats tied up to each other offering families the opportunity to have the kids swim, or you might find a bunch of party animals chugging beers and enjoying the summer sun. Either way, everyone is having a great time, and so if you are out and about, just know that Millers Bay is where boaters go in the summer to be where the party is at.

"The Bridge"

"The Bridge" has been referred to by the Wharf Bridge, the Kentucky Fried Chicken Bridge, the bridge connecting East and West, among other names. In the good old days, this was actually a draw bridge converted to the current permanent structure. In the 90's when the 3 lane was installed, there was talk about removing the bridge and making some drastic changes. All in all, the base of the bridge remained, and the upper structure was improved. I remember as a kid jumping off the bridge, and fishing on and under the bridge. In fact, an unforgettable memory I have is when I was fishing with my cousin and I casted out trying to reach the opposite corner of the bridge with my lure. In mid air, a pigeon flew and the timing was so great that my line wrapped around the pigeon, and the pigeon went into the water. I reeled it up and had caught a pigeon. My cousin then decided to hold this pigeon inside the front of his coat. We went to show people at Okoboji Boats what we had caught. When we got there, he opened his jacket, and the pigeon had pooped all over his white shirt.

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